Please Note: If you are booking for more than one person, please enter full contact details of other participants in the Other Information box at the checkout.
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Lunchtime: 12:30pm - 1:30pm (-ish)
(Lunch not included - tea, coffee and biscuits available all day)
Activities and subject matter vary according to, and wherever possible, appropriate to, the location. To help give you some idea of how a workshop might be structured, here is a sample itinerary...
Saturday Morning:
After a brief introduction, there may be a Techniques session, where different methods of achieving certain effects or rendering a chosen subject are explored. Subjects will vary, but generally be appropriate to the workshop's location, all of which are chosen for their particular landscape elements; different venues offer very different scenes (scroll down for more specific venue information). Weather permitting, a short, informal pencil Sketching Session may also be included, either just before, or just after, lunch (if the weather is particularly good, that may take us up until lunchtime).
Saturday Afternoon
After lunch, we may paint-up from sketches made in the morning. If time allows, there may also be a session on Line and Wash. Peter will demonstrate his popular 'Fusion Technique', working either from photographic sources or from local sketches gathered earlier. All subjects will be appropriate to the venue.
Sunday is Main Project day, when we will focus our attention on creating a completed watercolour landscape, working either from carefully selected photographs or sketches of a local subject. The project will take the form of a step-by-step, interactive demonstration (a sort of Paint-along-a-Peter), where the process of painting a watercolour landscape will be broken down into easy, manageable stages. At all times, the emphasis will be on understanding and exploring the basic techniques of watercolour. Further outdoor painting or sketching sessions may be possible if the weather is particularly good.
The overall aim of the workshop is to provide a friendly, informal environment, where activities may be adjusted to suit the particular group in question. An emphasis is always given to basic techniques, and additional exercises may be added as required.
Peter will be in residence throughout the duration of the workshop to give professional, one-to-one advice and tuition.
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