JIMMY CRAWFORD - Artist - Entertainer
Jimmy Crawford was born in Sheffield 1936. He attended Central Technical School on an engineering course and became City, County and National swimming champion and record holder; including British Army champion during 2 years national service. Upon leaving the army at the age of 20 he was employed as an engineering draughtsman.

Motor cycling and road racing completely occupied his leisure time, racing at every major circuit in Britain, riding a brace of manx nortons.

In 1961, Jimmy entered show business and in the following three years had 3 records in the charts - the biggest seller being I love how you love me on the Columbia label which sold in excesss of 100,000 copies. For over 50 years he was engaged as a professional entertainer, playing every major cabaret venue in the UK and he toured all over the world playing such as Las Vegas, Australia, South Africa and Europe.

Jimmy was engaged at the London Palladium for a season, toured with stars such as The Beatles, appeared on all the major TV shows and appeared alongside Billy Fury in the film Play It Cool. More recently he has made appearances on TV with Clive James and Jonathon Ross.

Exhibitions of Jimmy's paintings have been displayed in Newcastle, Derby, Shefield and the Cotswolds and in April 2000, his work was featured on the Yorkshire TV programme Calendar.