Painting Ireland (VOD)



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Duration: 1 hour 44 minutes

Pyjama Video is proud to present the sixth in a series of video demonstrations, The World in Watercolour, based on Peter’s travels running workshops on cruise ships, and sketching trips, home and abroad.

Join Peter Woolley, as he travels across Ireland from East to West in search of subjects to paint and draw.

His journey begins in the glacial valley of Glendalough before pausing by ancient ruins in Wicklow Gap.

In County Tipperary, The Rock of Cashel makes a great line & wash subject, followed by a brief sketch of Glanworth Bridge, one of the oldest and narrowest public stone bridges still in use in Europe.

In Killarney, he enjoys the delights of Muckross Abbey and Torc Waterfall before hiking up the spectacular Gap of Dunloe in Killarney National Park to earn his pint of Guiness.

 A line and pencil drawing of Kerry Cliffs and a memorable visit to Blarney Castle concludes this epic sketching trip.

Also available on DVD


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